What is the difference between Flickr login ID & Flickr screen name?

Zilla is a free photo/video backup assistant that helps you to keep your memories backed up to your Flickr account.

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The name in your Flickr account and the ID that you use to log into Flickr with are two different items and can be spelled differently.

Your login ID is nothing more than the username and password that you log in to Flickr with.

  • A Yahoo ID is the standard Flickr login ID.
  • A Facebook or Google account used to be a Flickr login ID option.
  • If you forget your login ID, you can find it using the Account Recovery Wizard or Beam Me Up tool.

Your Flickr screen name is your public name that everyone sees in Flickr.

  • It's on your profile page.
  • It's your FlickrMail's name.
  • It's how people find you in Flickr.
  • It shows when you make a comment or fave a photo.
  • You even have the option to change your Flickr screen name if you want!