How to view full size images in Flickr?

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When we upload photos to Flickr, it gets re-sized into different sizes to display on the site. Like thumbnails and small / medium / large size etc. The resizing of photos also depends on how big your device display screen is and whether or not you have your browser set to full screen. To see a Flickr photo in full size do the following:

  1. Open the Flickr App on one of your devices.
  2. If you don't have the Flickr App on your device you can easily download it.
  3. If you don't wish to download the Flickr App on any of your devices then you can simply put up the Flickr URL at the address bar of your device browser which is - and open Flickr without downloading it.
  4. Once you open Flickr, Sign in to your Flickr account using your Flickr Username and Flickr Password.
  5. You will now land up on the "Flickr Homepage".
  6. Now click on any of the image thumbnails to view an enlarged version of the image.
  7. Roll your mouse over the enlarged image. Your cursor will then turn into an image of a magnifying glass. When the magnifying glass appears, click your mouse once. The photo will remain the same size but will appear on a new page with added options.
  8. Click the "View All Sizes" button, which appears in the upper right corner of your screen. A row of different size options will appear directly above your photo.
  9. Click the largest size option at the end of the row. Sometimes it reads "Original Size," and sometimes it reads "Large." The dimensions (width and height) appear beside each size option, so just look for the option with the largest dimensions.