How to upload HD images to Flickr?

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In order to save space and bandwidth, many websites that host photos reduce pictures' resolutions and may compress the images, lowering their quality. If you have an image with dimensions above those permitted by the site, you might want to shrink it before uploading, as this gives you direct control over its final appearance.

Flickr offers 1TB of storage space for photos, each of which can take up to 200MB. Flickr saves your images exactly as you upload them without altering their resolution or quality, as long as you upload a JPG, PNG or non-animated GIF. This means if you download your own image from Flickr, it will look exactly the same as when you uploaded it. In addition, Flickr creates a range of alternate resolutions, allowing you to share your image online. These range from 75-by-75 pixel thumbnails to large images with the longest side measuring 2048 pixels.