How to share a Flickr album with friends?

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Uploading your pictures to a photo-sharing platform such as Flickr is a convenient way to share photos with friends, family or co-workers.

You can share either single photos, slideshows or entire albums on Flickr by just clicking the 'Share' icon. It opens up all the synced platforms and then you can choose where you want to share your album.

  1. Open the Flickr App on one of your devices.
  2. If you don't have the Flickr App installed on your device, you can simply download it from the Google Play Store if you are an Android user or from the Apple App Store if you are an Apple user.
  3. If you don't wish to download the Flickr App on any of your devices then you can simply put up the Flickr URL at the address bar of your device browser which is - and open Flickr without downloading it.
  4. Once you open the Flickr App, sign in to your Flickr Account, using your Flickr username and Flickr password.
  5. After signing in to Flickr, you will land up on the Flickr Homepage.
  6. One the Homepage open the "You" menu from the Flickr toolbar located at the top left corner of your screen and select Albums. Click the album you want to share.
  7. Click the Share icon.
  8. Click any icon to either share the entire album to the selected social network or to send a link to the album by email.
  9. Select Grab the Link to reveal a direct link to the album.