How to rearrange photos in Flickr Photostream?

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When you upload photos and video to Flickr, it stores them in 'Photostream'. Photostream can be displayed as a 'justified' view, a slideshow, a 'detail' view or a 'datestamped archive'. Photostream always shows your most recently uploaded photos and videos. You can easily change the order of photos in Flickr Photostream by editing the posting dates for photos.

  1. To rearrange the photos, login to your account using your Flickr username and Flickr password and then open Photostream.
  2. Click on the photo and click '...' icon (More menu) located at the bottom-right corner of the page.
  3. Select 'Edit title, tags, and dates' option.
  4. You will see 'Date taken on' and 'Date posted to Flickr'Change the date the photo was posted.
  5. By changing the 'Date posted to Flickr', you can rearrange the photos in Flickr Photostream.