How to mute activity on a Flickr photo?

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Flickr is a photo and video sharing service by Yahoo. It allows you to backup photos and videos, organize, edit and share them with other people in the world. Flickr has a 'Recent Activity' feature which shows what is happening around your Flickr account. When Flickr send you a message, you will view that message in 'Recent Activity' section. If you don't want to see new activity on your photo, then you can mute the activity. To mute activity on a photo, go to 'Recent Activity' page and click 'Mute Activity on this item' button. There is another way to mute activity i.e. go to your homepage and hover your cursor over the photo and click 'Mute' option. Flickr allows you to un-mute the activity on a photo. To do this, go to your muted items view and un-mute it.