How to improve public searches of your Flickr photos?

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What can you do to make sure that your Flickr photos appear in the public searches? One thing is sure that getting your photos in the public searches improves your Flickr profile visibility which is actually beneficial if you use Flickr to showcase your photography portfolio. If your Flickr photos are not showing in search results, do not worry! We'll show you how you can tweak some settings on your Flickr account and get your photos show up in the search results.

  1. Upload five or more public photos to your account.
  2. Turn off your default "hide from search" settings for new photos.
  3. Use Organizr to ensure existing photos are searchable:
    - Mouse over You, then select Organize.
    - Drag and drop photos into the batch area.
    - Click Permissions and select 'Hide/show' in public searches.
    - Uncheck Hide these items from public searches.
    - Click Change.
  4. Before photos are searchable or shareable, Flickr staff must moderate the account.
  5. Add accurate tags and descriptions to your photos so they're easier to find.