How to hide or unhide Flickr photos from Flickr searches?

Zilla is a free photo/video backup assistant that helps you to keep your memories backed up to your Flickr account.

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Flickr doesn't control the contents of search engine databases. If you want to get your photo(S) removed from the searches, simply contact the company directly. Other than that, you can set whether your photos are available or hidden from public searches. Here's how.

  1. Mouse over 'You' (located at the top-left corner near, Flickr logo) and then select Organize.
  2. Drag the photos you would like to change into the batch area.
  3. Click on Permissions (located in the submenu i.e. under Flickr logo) and select 'Hide/show in public searches.
  4. Make your selection, then click on Change.


  1. You can also change the setting from your account settings:
  2. Click on your profile picture and select settings.
  3. Now, click on 'Privacy & Permissions' and locate "Hide your Stuff from Public Searches" 
  4. Locate "Hide your Stuff from Public Searches" and click Edit. Now you can check or uncheck the option to hide your photos as well as Flickr profile from Flickr & search engine searches.