How to copy the BBCode to share Flickr photos?

Zilla is a free photo/video backup assistant that helps you to keep your memories backed up to your Flickr account.

Trusted by users in 130+ countries.

No matter how you want to share photos, Flickr gives you the options you need. Just click on any of your photos (or someone else's photo if the owner allows sharing) to get started.

  1. Open the Flickr App on one of your devices.
  2. If you don't have the Flickr App on your device you can easily download it.
  3. If you don't wish to download the Flickr App on any of your devices then you can simply put up the Flickr URL at the address bar of your device browser which is - and open Flickr without downloading it.
  4. Once you open Flickr, Sign in to your Flickr account using your Flickr Username and Flickr Password.
  5. You will now land up on the Flickr Homepage.
  6. Click on a Flickr photo that you want to share.
  7. Now, click the 'Share' icon i.e. right-pointing arrow.
  8. In order to share the Flickr photo using the BBCode, select 'BBCode'.
  9. Pick the size you want to display on your blog or website.
  10. Copy the code and use it on your website.

Note: These steps only apply to the desktop web version of Flickr.