How to change the cover image on a Flickr album?

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Can't find a way to change the cover image on a Flickr album? When you create some albums in Flickr, it seems to automatically choose a group photo as the album cover for the album. If you want to manually change the album cover photo, please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Flickr App on one of your devices and sign in to your Flickr Account.
  2. Once you sign in to Flickr you will land up on the Flickr Homepage.
  3. Mouse over 'You' which is located at the top left corner of the Flickr Homepage and select 'Organize'.
  4. Click on the 'Albums & Collections' tab.
  5. Double-click on your album.
  6. Drag any photo to the thumbnail in the top-left.
  7. This will become the album cover.
  8. Click Save.
  9. This is how to change your Flickr cover photo of an album